AT LAST... LTE becomes affordable!

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Imagine entering the realm of LTE compliance at half the cost of traditional modules. How would this be possible, considering the marketing-rhetoric which has been put out there – “Oh no sir, the reason why LTE modules are so expensive is because they have much more circuitry, they need to cater for higher speeds, LTE frequencies, 3G frequencies, 2G frequencies, and not to mention the costs of compliance and licensing for those various technologies…. It will never change.” But it is this precise narrative which SIMCOM has defeated with the launch of the A76xx family, because within that blurb lies a technology which the vast majority of telemetry applications have never used, mainly due to the ratio of cost: performance not being favorable and that near-redundant smokescreen is 3G technology.

What makes the A7682E module unique is the total absence of 3G technology. The devices are 4G compliant, and fall straight back to 2G (Edge), thus avoiding 3G technology entirely, and avoiding all the associated costs of 3G in so doing. When one compares the A7682E module against the similar LTE modules with 3G fallback, it is quite literally half the cost.

Now available for samples and testing, pending ICASA approval.

Click here to view the A7682E module

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