A high sensitivity LoRaWAN Water Leak Sensor from Rejeee

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Long range, low power water leak detection

The SL200EU is Rejeee's long range, low power water leak sensor based on Semtech SX1262/SX1268. It has up to 10 years battery life (not included in pack). This devices high sensitivity sensor ensures reliability and long term stability.  The water leak sensor uses a water/liquid sensor probe for 2 meters to detect the presence of water or other liquids. When the presence of water or another liquid is detected, an alert is sent over the LoRaWAN network.

Applications for this device include smart agriculture and industrial environment monitoring among others. 

The SL200EU is still pending ICASA approval, however, we are available to provide more information about this device and chat to you about your specific LoRaWAN needs.
Email wireless@otto.co.za or call call us on +27 791 1033

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